Drips and Drabs

Here are a few drips and drabs of my days recently.
Made peppermint citrus sugar scrub for the shop.

I have a new soap mold and I came up with the perfect blend of oils to use in each bar.  I love it!  Turns out a perfect bar of soap each time.

Pumpkin Spice Soap.

Cinnamon Sugar Soap with Oats.

Apple McIntosh with Oats.

I have a new sign, ready for my first day which will be September 3rd.

There is a manikin in the shop that I can use to model my aprons.  It's so nice to take a picture of the apron this way instead of it just laying over a couch!  Ignore the mess in the background.  I'm in the process of moving some things out, rearranging and bringing in new vendor items.

All set up at the farmer's market.  I sold 11 loaves of bread on Monday and gave the remaining bread to our neighbors.  It's been going well!  I decided to make one day a week bread day a the shop.  People will be able to stop by and pick up a freshly made loaf of bread.

This is where I'll be setting up shop.  I do have a facebook page, Terri's Country Crafts & Books at the Carriage House Shoppe.  So stop by and like the page and you can get updates that way.

We are on vacation this week but it's been taken up with doctor's appointments and other things.  But it's okay because we are together and I'm getting things done.  Of course, my house doesn't look like it!
I have a new to me (it's used) dining room table and 6 chairs sitting in the middle of my sunroom.  It's a smaller set so my whole dining room won't be taken up by a giant table and large chairs.  My old table and chairs are headed to the shop to display things but to also be used for various workshops that I'll be having there.
I hope you all have a blessed day!  


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