Silver Threads: Weaving Godly Wisdom into the Lives of Younger Women

Silver Threads: Weaving Godly Wisdom Into the Lives of Younger Women

When I was a young woman and newly married, and later as a new mother, I wish I would have had an older woman to guide me and offer me some advice in marriage.  I imagine that many of the mistakes I made along the way could have been avoided if I had a Godly, older woman in my life to come along beside me and show me the way.

The Bible is very clear that the older women are to set an example for younger ones, but often it's hard to find spiritually mature, older women and especially those willing to do this.  But it is so important for younger women to have someone they can look to for advice, guidance and counsel.

My friend, Kate Megill, has just written a book about this very subject.  I've known Kate for about 15 years and she truly does have the gift of offering wise counsel.  I know she has helped many women through the years, and she most certainly has helped me from time to time.  I've never known her to offer any advice without first praying about it and weighing her words.

Her new book, Silver Threads: Weaving Godly Wisdom into the Lives of Younger Women, is a practical guide on how to do this.  Each chapter gives Biblical support for this, as well as steps on mentoring and offering encouragement to other women.  I love how she even has a chapter on the dos and don'ts of being an older woman. 

This book is available on Amazon, and you can read more about the books, as well as Kate on her website,  The book is available in paperback, as well as for Kindle, Nook and Pdf.


  1. I know how grateful I was to a wiser , older lady when I was coping with motherhood and all that went with it.

  2. While I think older women can help younger with practical advice on marriage(thought they must never undermine the husband), children(they must never undermine parents) and homemaking, I think pastors and elders are the Biblical answer any SPIRITUAL guidance, advice and council. Older women should not overstep their Biblical boundaries, nor become prideful in their mentoring. And they should not overstep boundaries God created WITHIN families(ie: they ought to mentor their own daughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, cousins, nieces, etc., first and foremost). If you find yourself, as an older woman mentor, creating havoc and disruption in families, you might want to step back a bit and consider. Like anything else meant to be good, our prideful hearts can enlarge our self-importance and destroy through mentoring. Be wise, be humble and tend your own household first. You can't go far wrong, then.


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