Multitude Monday


This is the view out my bedroom window. It reminds me constantly of all that the Lord has done and is doing in our lives.

I have to be honest and say that it was a struggle for Dan & I to move to the parsonage. When our church plant merged two years ago with this new church, we had made the decision to stay where we were. We had just moved there and we loved the house we were in and were comfortable there. However, as a friend reminded me, God often does not want us to get too comfortable in this life.

Dan & I chose to go into the ministry because we felt God's call on our lives. We knew that it would require sacrifice and that we would have to go without many of the pleasures that so many take for granted. Things like vacations, fancy cars, the latest gizmo, and other extras. We accepted that and were willing to make that sacrifice.

However, without even realizing it, I allowed myself to get too comfortable where I was. I started to get attached to a "thing." However, stepping out in obedience always causes me to feel peaceful. We've been here in the parsonage for one week and already I can see how God is using this move.

This week, I'm thankful for Blessings #304-320

♫ A husband who is willing to help his children with math.


♫ A son who has found that he enjoys running.

♫ Making little by little progress in unpacking.

♫ Continued meals from our church family.

♫ An uplifting time of worship.

♫ Little ones who ask every week if we are having children's church.

♫ Keeping our grocery bill within the budget.

♫ A weekly monetary gift from an anonymous person.

♫ God's perfect timing in not allowing me to get pneumonia until after the move.

♫ A husband who went back to the old place to clean for me because I was sick.

♫ A house that is starting to feel like home.


♫ A new home that warms up faster and at a lower temperature than the old one.

♫ Sunshine that warms.


♫ Children who love music.

♫ A beautiful new place to walk.

♫ A dishwasher which is the first in 8 years.

and finally...

♫ A family who desires to serve the Lord.



  1. So sorry you are sick. Please know I am praying for God's healing. What a beautiful post! I love your new house. You've made it a home. Hugs to you, Terri!

  2. Lovely post, and I do hope you are feeling better now.
    I'm sure it will take a little while before this house feels like home, but you are already seeing some of the reasons why the Lord put you there, I think.

  3. So true for all of us...the only thing we should hold on tightly to is Jesus...
    I love your living room. It's beautiful. I love those wood floors!! It looks like you have a good amount of room to have friends over.
    I pray you are feeling better!
    Karen :)

  4. Thank you for your visit to my blog this morning. I am a PK and know the struggles of parsonage life. Your home is beautiful and I know you will have fun decorating it! I will be looking around your blog when I grab a few minutes. Be blessed today and this week!

  5. We have the same love of music, thank you for sharing! :)

  6. You have so many blessings to be thankful for.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  7. Visiting from the Multitude Monday! Such a beautiful list of things to be thankful for!

  8. Way to go Terri, I need to keep my heart on Jesus - not on the comforts of this thing or the other thing. Wonderful post. Hope you are stock piling all of your energy . . . so you can keep resting for now. Get well soon.

  9. So grateful for the sacrifices you and many other women choose to make in being a pastor's wife. While I know there are many blessings, I also know there are many sacrifices.

  10. I'm so glad I stopped by today. It's been great to to get to know people by reading their lists every week. I especially am grateful for you and your family and the sacrifices you make in your ministry. The pictures show your thankful heart and I just loved them. Making a house a home seems to be a "woman" thing, don't you think???? And it sounds like you have that area going just fine. Hope you feel better soon! I'll be back again next week to catch up on your settling in!

  11. thanks for sharing I love that we can all come together and share our thankfulness of what GOD is doing in our lifes
    Love the picture of the cross you see each day what a awesome reminder of who we serve

  12. What a great list of gifts! Such a wonderful husband you are blessed with. A house becoming a home is an awesome feeling and gift. I hope you are feeling better now!

  13. what a wonderful list! We've been under the weather too. We also live in our church's parsonage and left everything 2 years ago for full time ministry. It's the hardest but most wonderful thing all at the same time. We've been here almost 2 years and it's just now starting to feel like home... I understand. :)


  14. Beautiful list. I enjoyed the musical notes to mark each gratitude.


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