Multitude Monday

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"

This has been a verse I have clung to for my oldest. For years I've worried about him and have been anxious for his future. His reading and math skills are minimal. His writing skills are non-existent. As an individual with autism, his social skills were horrendous. I've been concerned over his future and even though I know God is in control, it is difficult at times not to be concerned for him.

About a year and a half ago, he joined the volunteer fire department. Dan & I just assumed that this was another obsession. He talked incessantly about the fire house and all he was learning. All of the sudden, he had friends calling him. For someone who never had a friend in his entire life, this was a big deal!

He took and passed Scene Support Operations, Firefighter One and Wildland Search and Rescue. For someone with minimal academic skills this was huge!

Even though we have moved to a different district and Nathan is in the process of joining a different station, he was invited to the old station's annual dinner dance. Nathan was only allowed to bring one guest so he took his dad. When I woke yesterday morning, I discovered that Nathan had won the 2010 Rookie of the Year award. Dan said he received a standing ovation.

The chief spoke with Dan and said that Nathan should pursue his civil service exam to become a paid firefighter. This is something that I never could have forseen. All my wasted years of worry when I should have been trusting the Lord for Nathan's future.

I know he still has a long way to go, but God has allowed us to see a glimpse into what lies ahead for my son. That is the top of my blessings for this week.

I'm thankful for Blessings #336-345

♥ A son who has a hope and a future.


♥ A week off from work.

♥ Not coughing anymore.

♥ Singing birds.


♥ Spring flowers.


♥ A wonderful small group.

♥ Rich green every where I look.


♥ Sons enthusiastic about starting our garden.

♥ Curtains and wall hangings up in the new house.

And finally...

♥ Reminder of my Savior's love.



  1. Terri, your post is a real blessing this morning. I needed it. I'm so glad with you for Nathan and his progress and what the Lord is doing in his life!

  2. Kudos to your son! He really is an inspiration and a hero. Isn't it amazing how God has plans for us all?

  3. Amen it sure was a blessing, praying for you all, have a great day.

  4. What a wonderful list -- and that last photo is GORGEOUS! Beautiful reminder to my heart today!

    I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog during Holy Week! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)

    Celebrating His resurrection,

  5. Please give Nathan a huge congratulations from me!

  6. Oh how wonderful to read this post this morning... clicked on you from 1000 gifts!

    What greatness the Lord has in store for his chidren, amazing story about your son! I don't even know him, but I wish I could of stood with the standing ovation- all Glory to God!

    Nice meeting you, hope to visit again, and to have you visit too :o)

    In HIM, Deanna

  7. "Rookie of the Year" with a standing ovation!!!!! I am proud of Nathan too! I am so happy for you and your family. Nathan will be a great firefighter someday. You all are in my prayers. God has plans to prosper us all.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  8. Woo Hoo Nathan! God is so good!!!! His plans are PERFECT!!! Love your posts, Terri. Thank YOU for encouaging my heart today.

  9. I have tears in my eyes and can only say, "Praise the Lord!" Your post this morning is just another confirmation to me of this verse --- one that I, too, have clung to for someone -- and am still clinging to. His promises are sure. If only I would NEVER doubt that. Thank you so much for sharing this today. I can't tell you how much I needed that!

  10. You must be so pleased and proud of Nathan. What a wonderful boost for him and for you too.

  11. As a Teacher Assistant in a classroom with children with autism I share your hope! I have yet to teach them more than they teach me everyday! God bless you and your family!

  12. This is beautiful and so inspiring. I pray other parents will read your words and be encouraged...and to trust. I work with our wonderful learning disabled students at the local elementary school. Your words shine and encourage...thank you! Once they leave the elementary school, I've wondered "What will they do when they graduate?" and these aren't my biological children...your blog has offered a new way to pray for this precious children while I work with them. Their future is as great as the Lord has for them...

    Lisa Buske :)

  13. Congratulations on Nathan's achievements, and on his being named rookie of the year! God has a plan for all of our children, and what a blessing it is to see them grow up and grow in the plans God has for them.

  14. I’m here from Ann’s

    And you must be so proud – so proud – that makes me smile. My brother is a irefighter/paramedic – I tell him all the time that his is a NOBLE profession. And the verse? I think it’s the first one I memorized – ever. Heart that verse.

    And when I read through the lists I like to think about it a little and pick a favorite – my favorite from yours was: Rich green every where I look. (because I KNOW!!! Look at it the trees half leaved, the grass green – I remember they paint “greenrooms” green for a reason – it’s a calming color – I heart Spring) {smiling}

    I really liked reading this today. God Bless and keep you and all of yours

  15. There were tears in my eyes when I read this. I am thrilled for Nathan and you.


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