Thank God for Fridays!

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12:28-29

I thought I'd make each Friday the day that I thank the Lord for all the many blessings He has given me over the past week. Here is my thankful list.

♫ Stephen is getting so mature and assertive. We were at a dinner at the nursing home the other night and I looked around for him and he was at the next table greeting people. He also went up to the director of the nursing home and asked her about a job. She told him what to do to apply for one. This was a huge step for him.

♫ I have a husband that listens to me and helps me work through things. He takes the time to help me figure out what is bothering me.

♫ That the Lord is faithful to show me areas that I need to work on. This just happened last night and while it is painful, it is important.

♫ The Lord has allowed me to substitute in classes that I feel very comfortable in. I've filled in the last three time for the reading specialists and that is what I did both in our inner city ministry for ten years and the Christian school I worked at.

♫ For a church body that has surrounded us with love.

♫ For the Lord's forgiveness and mercy. When I mess up, He forgives me!

I enjoy doing this each week because it really makes me have to sit down and think and remind myself of what the Lord is doing in my life. What are you thankful for?


  1. Lovely to read Terri.
    I'm thankful for the lovely smell of baking in my kitchen today, knowing how much my husband will enjoy a freshly baked cake!


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