Crafty Things

I am having one of the laziest days ever! I have all kinds of housework to do but I don't feel like doing any of it. So instead, I made some cards.

The only thing I don't like about my cards is that they are never perfect looking. So many people have a Cricut (I think that's what its called) machine and can churn out professional looking cards. I tend to just make it up as I go along.

I'll never be able to sell them, but at least it makes me happy and I like sending them out to people.

Here is the outside of this one.

If you open up the flap it says, "Thank you!"

I did a couple of Fall cards.



This is the last one I did today.

Maybe I can work up the energy to go clean my bathroom now!


  1. If I don't get it done early it probably won't get done that day. Other than cooking dinner.

  2. your cards are lovely Terri - and they would sell.

  3. Terri ~ I love your cards! They are so pretty! I'm sure the recipients will be thrilled with your handiwork ~ each one of your cards is filled with love!

    Sweet blessings,

  4. They look very professional to me, Terri. I dont know what a Cricket machine is, but dont think you need one!

  5. Your cards are beautiful Terri and I am sure that whoever receives one of your cards enjoys them very much!


  6. These are great cards - I'd rather have one made individually with love than made in bulk by a machine. blessings x

  7. I think your cards are beautiful Terri, I love the Autumn ones.

    Love, Tina :) x

  8. cute cards Terri.

    thanks for coming by to visit.

    will look forward to continued visits on both ends.


    barbara jean


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