Sacrifices of Praise

I woke up with this verse going through my head this morning....

Hebrews 13:15 ~

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name."

Our praises are our sacrifice to Him. They should be constant and He should get the glory for all that happens in our lives. So often we through up a perfunctory thank you or we take the credit ourselves or I think worse, we don't think of Him at all.

I spent some time this morning reflecting on what the Lord has done this week and wanted to share at least 5 of them.

♥ Dan & I didn't have enough money to pay some bills, yet after talking about it, decided to step out in faith and pay our tithe first (we were tempted to forgo it) and the very next day the guidance counselor at the school called with three students for Dan to start tutoring. He has never gotten that many students all at once. Whoo Hoo!!!

♥ For a wonderful landlord who fixes things in a timely manner. I now have a brand new toilet in the basement bathroom because the original had a crack at the base and was leaking and a freshly caulked tub upstairs.

♥ For Nathan's teacher who took the time to call me and let me know how he was doing and give me some things to work with him on at home to help him socialize with the other students better.

♥ Yesterday, Dan took the kids to the store and came home and told me that Nathan joked with a girl that was bagging their groceries that is in his school. A month ago he wouldn't have made eye contact and wouldn't have said a word. Praise the Lord!!!!

♥ For our furnace that works and I have the ability to have heat when I need it. I turned the heat on the last two mornings to take the chill out of the air.

It's your turn. What has God done for you this week? Let's offer up those sacrifices!


  1. Terri, what a heartwarming post, and how good to hear about Nathan. God is working there.
    I'm thankful for our annual Blood test results which came this week. There are minor things to watch, but in general we remain healthy!

  2. I know far too often I think of what I don't have rather than thanking God for His abundance to me including his mercies which are new every morning.

  3. Wonderful post Terri! I was just sitting here thinking about how much I dislike our front porch. The previous owners painted the concrete and it is now peeling and looks horrible. Then I read your post and thought "At least I have a home to have a front porch on! So many people don't even have homes." Then I was able to come up with about a hundred praises off the top of head. Thanks for the inspirtation Terri!

  4. Dear Terri,

    Thank you for sharing this post. We truly should thank God everyday for His blessings, both big and small!
    Our business has slowed down to a trickle and I am a worrier at heart, but God has been providing the money to pay the bills from unexpected places, sometimes at the last minute, but they do get paid!
    There is also always food on the table and our woodshed is full of wood that we can heat our home with.
    Although I need to work on putting more trust & faith that God will provide, I am ever so grateful for His blessings to us - even when we are not so deserving of them!
    In my planner it has pages for prayer and blessings. I need to spend more time writing on blessing page. When you look back on everything that God has blessed you with it is amazing!
    Sorry this is so long, but thank you again!

    Love & Blessings!


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