Looking Forward

As I've journeyed into this new month, God has given me some reminders that I need to keep looking forward at the new things He is doing, and stop looking back and wishing things were the way they've been. This has happened in different ways - certain scriptures He's guided me to, articles I've read and conversations I've had.

Looking forward isn't always easy because I can't see what's coming around the bend in the road. I don't like the unexpected and unfamiliar. I worry and get anxious. But God can't work in a new way if I refuse to budge and keep looking over my shoulder at what's familiar and comfortable.

Sometimes I wonder, and people ask me, "Why are you going through the process of consecration?" "What will you be able to do with it?" And I struggle with those questions because sometimes I'm not really sure. I don't know what the future has in store and it's easier to want to slide back to my safe places. The old roles I've had feel safe and familiar. But God has been nudging me forward into this new place and to be honest, it's not always comfortable and it's scary. 

I also get easily distracted with the old things and slip back quite easily into the patterns and activities I've always had. But God is faithful to remind me again and again that He is bringing me along new paths, new roles and is doing a new thing in my life. 

So while it's scary and I'm uncertain, I do know that God has called me to do this. And I also know that if I'm faithful to follow, He is faithful to not just lead, but walk alongside me. I don't need to know what the future holds; I need to just be obedient in the present. And no matter what, I know that God is with me.


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