A Look Back at January

Technically there is still one more day in the month, but I decided to take a look back at the month of January and see how I'm doing with the goals I've set for this year. My plan (though don't hold me to it) is to look back at the end of each month so that I can make sure I'm achieving my yearly goals.

For 2019 I am aiming for the following:

Spiritual Development 1. Continue with daily devotions/Bible reading
2. Study at least 30 minutes a day for consecration exams
3. Pray each day for concerns I have and for God's will in our lives and ministry

I've done well on these goals, including the studying for my consecration exam. Each day I pace back and forth in the church and read the questions and my answers out loud. I'm trying to internalize the answers so they will come out naturally when I'm in the middle of the oral exam.

1. Connection time with Dan each week
2. Work on communication style with family
3. Listen more, pray more, speak less

Dan and I have been trying to get out at least once a week with just the two of us so we can chat. I find that #2 requires a whole lot of praying each morning so that I will respond correctly but it's getting better. And as I've been intentional with all of this our relationships are strengthening, things are improving and I'm spending much time in prayer which is always a good thing. I'm a fixer and there are some things that I have no control over. The only thing I can do is pray and that is the best thing I can do anyway!

1. Take time to walk, pray and appreciate
2. More photography which inspires my writing
3. More movement

Other than the pacing back and forth in the church, there hasn't been a whole lot of getting outside to walk the past two weeks. And that is mostly because of the snow and ice. I do NOT want a repeat of the injuries of the past few years. We are in a deep freeze this week so I wouldn't want to be outside anyway.

But I've been trying to pick up my camera more and bring some beauty to the everyday things around me. One of the reasons I started doing the walking back and forth in the church is to get some movement in my life. I actually do about 3/10-5/10 of a mile just walking the length of the church over and over again. 

Each day after my quiet time, I get up and throw in laundry, do the breakfast dishes, take a shower, and pick a household chore to do. Then I get my laptop, books, and everything I need and go next door in the church and spend a few hours working on studying, writing, preparing for teaching. It's been going well and keeps me productive. I also find it helps to get out of the house for a bit in some peace and quiet.

I haven't touched my sewing machine in almost a month and that is because there has been so much work to do with everything else going on in my life. And it's okay because the reality is that while I love to sew, it's not my main mission in life. So when things slow down in the current areas, I'll come back to the machine again.

I'm pleased that I've stayed on track with the goals. Looking back at the end of each month will be beneficial and I hope to make great strides this year.


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