Multitude Monday

Each month I travel an hour and a half away to participate in a Speaking Intensive Workshop. This workshop is made up of pastors and ministry leaders in our district who want to hone their public speaking skills. It's a small group and we offer positive feedback to one another as we speak on a particular topic we are given ahead of time. We have 5-7 minutes to present on the topic.

This month the topic was on gifts and one of the other speakers presented it in a way that struck a chord with me. It was on the idea that our trials and struggles are a gift that God gives to us. I know that I often have reflected that God uses our trials to help us grow, but never thought about them being an actual gift-wrapped present from Him.

Are the things I'm going through - the hard times, the sad times, and the breaking times - an actual gift from God that He gives me? Are they given for my benefit because through them I am stretched and because He longs for us to grow in faith? 

I think some things happen because we live in a fallen world and so we struggle. But as I reflected, I do think this idea is true. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I want to grow in faith and become more like Him in every aspect of my life and often that happens through struggle. I don't like the hard times but if I'm keeping my eyes on God and walking with Him, I get through them.

So if I have grown closer to the Lord and have grown in spiritual maturity and in the way I handle trials and situations in my life then, "Yes!" I have been given a wonderful gift. And that is something for which I can give thanks.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,556 - 3,567.

3556. God continuing to work in me through the hard times. 

3557. Safety on the road and good weather for traveling.

3558. Learning to take each day one step at a time and one moment at a time. 

3559. Board games.

3560. The scent of roast chicken wafting through the air.

3561. Boys that get out and help their dad shovel.

3562. I'm thankful that Nathan's boss told him not to come in yesterday because of the storm. Church was canceled and it really was a nice and different kind of day. I'm thankful for snow days.

3563. I registered for our denomination's national conference at the end of May and I'm thankful for the ability to attend. The women's organization that I'm the director of sends me and I'm thankful they see the value in doing so. Because Dan is unable to come, I decided I'm going to use this time for prayer, reflection and listening to what God has to say - a retreat in the midst of a thousand or more people. 

3564. Heat that works in this crazy freezing weather. It's -7 this morning.

3565. I'm thankful that it's a long weekend. Dan and I are heading out this afternoon to visit a friend in the hospital. I still need to add ribbon and frills to this to pretty it up, but I made a cookie platter at her request for her to give to the hospital staff as a thank you for caring for her the past 3 months. I'm thankful that she is starting to turn the corner and get stronger each day.

3566. I'm thankful for my husband and being able to be in ministry together. Our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other well.

and finally....

3567. God's gifts which help me grow.


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