Multitude Monday

I am bleary-eyed and dragging this morning.  My head is pounding and I'm still sleepy but I'm feeling blessed.  Dan and I got back yesterday afternoon from a wonderful weekend away at camp with five teenagers from our church.

It was a weekend of fun, laughter, inspiration, and tears.  It was two days of giving and receiving encouragement.  It was a weekend of solidifying relationships.

It was wonderful and worth the lack of sleep.  It may take me a day or two to spring back, but I'm so thankful I went and would do it again.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2671 - 2680

2671.  Spending an entire weekend with my husband without the stressors of home and church.

2672.  Nathan held down the fort while we were away.

2673.  My knee did okay, even with all the standing and sitting in uncomfortable chairs.  I got the results of my MRI on Friday and it is a torn meniscus.

2674.  A message that the teens heard about what it means to be called and how to discern God's calling on their lives.

2675.  A speaker who was personable and spent time listening to and answering our daughter's questions. 

2676.  A room all to myself all weekend.  I had asked for two rooms and then when we got there, the girls all wanted to room together.  So I wasn't about to complain! ;-)

2677.  The ability to bless our church family with a video on Sunday, even though we weren't there.

2678.  Beautiful, warmer weather while we were at camp.

2679.  Laughter.

and finally...

2680.  Hearing about how God is working in the lives of our teenagers.


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