My Most Important Role

I've had many roles and titles in my life...

Director of Family Literacy
Assistant Director of a Preschool
Teacher's Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Assistant Director of Women's Ministry
Business Owner

But none are as important to me as the titles of wife and mother.  Being a stay-at-home mom can feel a bit unimportant in this day and age where women are encouraged to make something of themselves, contribute financially and move up the corporate ladder.  And when you are the mother of older kids people often start to act as if there is something wrong with you if you are still at home.  I've heard things such as, "Now that the kids are grown, what are you going to do?"  "Are you going to get a "real" job?" 

When my children were little my primary job was to care for them.  I read them stories, rocked them to sleep, wiped runny noses, prepared their meals, and cared for their needs. Because I homeschooled for many years, much of their lives I also did the educating of them.  Now that they are older and don't need that kind of care anymore, I've been able to be more of a support for my husband.

I can work alongside him in ministry and visit and counsel people with him, as well as opening up our home for hospitality.  I've been able to also work on some of the things God is calling me to do and branch out into my own ministry apart from my children.    It's a new season of my life, but one I'm embracing.

I love being available to offer advice to my grown children when asked.  I like making meals and the special touches such as cloth napkins and candles at dinner time.  I still view my primary ministry as being to my family.  I like praying with my daughter each night before she goes to sleep.

Children grow up and life changes, but I love the time I've been able to be home.  One never knows what the future holds but I wouldn't change anything about my life.  I've held down full-time jobs and had many fulfilling roles in my life, but the one I think counts the most is that of a wife and mother.


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