Moving on Up

Once a month on Monday nights, a group of women from our church get together for a time of fellowship, food, missions and Bible study.  It's really a sweet time together and I always come away encouraged and inspired.

Last night was our meeting and once again, it was a great time of challenge and encouragement.  We are working our way through the study by Nancy Leigh DeMoss called, Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival.  It's definitely thought provoking.

Dan and I were chatting this morning and discussing how often the Lord uses different experiences in our lives to stretch us and cause us to grow.  Being called to this church has been one of those experiences.  God is working on things in my life that would never had been addressed elsewhere.  It's as if He keeps moving me up to a higher level as we move to each new experience or church.

There will always be something that I need to work on and that only happens as I'm stretched and pulled in different ways. I'm thankful for the experiences I'm having now and in this church which will continue to help me grow spiritually and move forward.

This journey we are on is challenging but I'm so thankful for the different ways the Lord works in each of our lives and my desire is to keep moving on up!


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