White Christmas

My children have been wanting snow for about a month now. All they talk about is having a white Christmas. We had our first snow storm yesterday and got about 6 inches of snow. There is another major storm coming through tonight and tomorrow.

I could of gotten a prettier view but that would of meant that I had to go outside.

This was how I found Stephen; laying face down in the snow. I guess he's happy. :-)

Of course, we're supposed to get a nor'easter tonight and tomorrow which will mess up my children's Christmas program at church. I'm going to have to come up with Plan B.

At least the kids got their wish!


  1. Ooohh Terri - it looks so lovely :)

  2. Hi Terri,
    We are getting a Noreaster as they say Sunday. The town is all a buzz getting plows on, shovels ready, and extra food. We are supposed to get 12-16 inches. We'll see. :) My boys want the snow for snomobiling, but hubby would like it to hold off till he gets the roof on the house he is building. The snow looks so pretty in your pictures. Stephen seems to be enjoying it too!
    Love Kerri

  3. well, it's about time!! you finally got some snow while the rest of us have been trudging through it for over a week now. At least here in the Northwest!
    It's funny reading blogs lately, it's all about the snow and the fun of being in it!
    Hope your Christmas preparations will go smoothly for you.

  4. Wow, I bet the kids are loving it! :)

  5. It appears the children got their wish and will be enjoying for some time if you get that Northeaster. Maybe that will be the answer to your prayers to Terri. You will just have to stay home and relax...now wouldn't that be nice? Forget Plan B!


  6. What beutiful pictures. Reminds me of Currier and Ives.

    Its 10:00 p.m. here and its 60 degrees. Unusually warm. Weird how it can be so different not all that far away...

    Merry Christmas!

  7. It is absolutely beautiful, Terri. It has been in the 60s and 70s here this week! I know it messes up the program, but enjoy the snow. :-)

  8. Hi Terri,
    We are getting a cold front in here tomorrow. Sure hope we aren't going to have a white Christmas. BRRRR This southern bell doesn't do well in the cold.LOL


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