Christmas Fun

The children made a gingerbread house yesterday from a kit and had great fun putting it together. Of course, there favorite part was eating the candy!


Stephen really got into it.

She had a mouthful of candy in this shot.

The final masterpiece.

The funny thing was after they put it together, we were sitting in the living room and heard a crash. The whole thing had fallen apart.

Oh well. They had fun anyway and in their minds the whole point was being able to eat the candy. :-)


  1. How cute!! We too never had great luck with ours staying together either!!LOL Have a wonderful night!~Wendy

  2. I've never understood gingerbread houses. you put all kinds of time and patience into this thing and then either eat it or let it get stale and fall apart.. ha ha
    looks like fun though!
    maybe some day I'll try it.
    so what's the best candy to eat first, Emily?

  3. What great fun! I'm impressed that any of the candy made it onto the house! :)

    It reminded me of my first day in nursery school (I was 4). The teacher handed me a plastic bowl of smarties (choc beans) while she finished preparing a sponge cake to decorate. I thought she had just given them to me to eat while I watched her! She said to the rest of the group, "and now we'll add the smarties" and held out her hand for the bowl. I handed her the empty bowl (still oblivious) and she looked in it and said, "oh." She didn't get cross with me or say anything, she just went and got some more smarties! What a nice teacher! :)

  4. Oh dear!! The cement wasnt strong enough??!
    It looked very pretty and I'm sure they enjoyed eating it!

  5. This is so cute! Jacob has wanted to do one of these but I am afraid it may be a nightmare with my littel Nate! LOL


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