The Lonely, The Outcast, The Forgotten and the Broken

I got back from the district-wide conference I've been planning along with my committee since last November. It was an exhausting, exhilarating and encouraging weekend. I stayed home from church today because I've lost my voice, was wiped out from having two nights of almost no sleep and just feeling icky this morning. I didn't even wake up until around 8:30 and am still not feeling well.

As I was sitting here and reflecting this morning about an interesting experience I had at the close of the conference, I was reminded of some truth I wanted to share here. A woman approached me at the end. I knew she was from a particular church and I knew she seemed apart from the rest of the group. 

She said to me, "I'm so glad that I came and I'll be back for the next one." Then she said something that blew me away. She proceeded to tell me that she has been in recovery the past couple of years and that I was the reason she has stayed sober. Apparently, it was something I said during one of my talks or maybe it was a conversation I had with her. I didn't think to ask her as I was so tired by the end of the weekend. I don't even remember having had a conversation with her in the past, but apparently, something I said kept her moving forward.

God used that woman to remind me that though my ministry may not be huge it is important in his eyes. To be honest, I often feel like I could quit tomorrow and no one would even notice. And yes, I know how silly that sounds. 

However, this woman was a reminder to me that perhaps I need to be the one to notice the unnoticed. I need to be the listening ear. I need to look for the outcast, the misfits and the broken people. Because the truth is many don't want to take the time to get to know them. Many refuse to take the time to reach out to the new person or that one who can be annoying or socially awkward. 

And we are missing an opportunity to shine the love of Christ into another person's life. We are missing the opportunity to connect with another and encourage them and perhaps be the catalyst to change their life!

So look around today and see who you can connect with. It may be your elderly neighbor, the woman who sits by herself in the pew, the co-worker who is struggling or the lonely teenager who has no friends. 

Be the one who shows God's love! Sometimes we can so busy looking around and trying to find the big ministry that we miss the small ministry we have right in front of us. You never know who you will help.


  1. Thank you for meeting me in my brokenness! I appreciate you in so many ways and I’m so very thankful and grateful for your leadership, but mainly, for your friendship.

  2. Powerful, Terry. Powerful. Thank you for your leadership and submission to God's call on your life.

  3. I wish more believers thought like you
    I know God will never leave me but I have given up on church people

    1. I understand and that's why I'm learning to stop looking to people for my affirmation or worth. We are all sinful and flawed and mess up so I can't draw from others what I can't even give myself. I'm learning to look to the Lord only for my affirmation. It's not easy, but certainly produces more contentment. (((HUGS))) to you!


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