Shampoo, Lather, Rinse, Repeat


There is something about being outside in nature that clears my head and helps me to pray and reflect and start to feel like I'm coming awake. I am thankful for our property where I can walk in the back field and get a way for a bit. It's far enough away from the road that I don't hear the sound of traffic and until someone in our church bushwhacks the tall grass and weeds it makes for a wonderful sanctuary. One summer I took a chair and small table back there so I could sit in peace and read. 

I took a stroll around the property the other night, photographing different flowers and plants and praying. There are many things weighing me down and it was a perfect time to lift some of these concerns up to the Father. 

As I walked I came across a little pop-up tent that Stephen had erected back there. He's a lot like me in that he needs time outside too. He'll often go out there to spend some time by himself. I often see him with his camera too. :-)

My hope this summer is that Dan and I can get away and go hiking somewhere. I'm not sure it's going to happen but a girl can wish, right? First, I am praying that my back pain takes a hike of it's own. It's day two of yesterday's routine - ibuprofen, alternating heat and ice and stretching exercises. It's kind of like shampoo, lather, rinse, repeat. 

I did manage to get a couple of batches of cookies made yesterday for Friday's market, as well as making beef stew for dinner. But I was moving very slowing and had to hang on to the countertop to do any sort of bending. I also had to keep having Dan come and help me get things in and out of the oven.

Today will be spent working on a message, reading and praying for relief. My mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer and will be starting radiation and chemo next week. I'm praying for healing for her, but also that I can get down there and help her out for a week. So I need to be able to move in order to do that.

I'm praying that each of you have a wonderful day and one in which you can shine brightly for Jesus!


  1. Terri I am so sorry go hear about your mom what is her name?
    I will pray for her I do hope you are able to be with her and help her
    Sometimes life seems like a continual bump

    1. Her name is Dianne. Thank you for praying!


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