Bread Crumbs

I thought today I'd share some little "bits" of my week.  It seems as if that's all I have to offer.  Nothing huge.  No big exciting announcements.  Just bread crumbs. 
Stephen is home for a week and I'm glad he's here.  He hasn't been feeling well so I'm looking forward to doctoring and feeding him.  I was telling some friends last night that I am much more enthused about cooking when he's home because first of all, he loves to eat and secondly, Nathan is usually always working so it's just myself and Dan and Emily (who eats like a bird).
Yesterday, the owner of the local coffee shop asked if I'd be willing to come and bake for the shop a few hours, one day a week and in lieu of pay, I'll be able to bring my breads and sell them there.  It's an arrangement that seems satisfactory so I took her up on it.  I have my permit from the Department of Agriculture and she has obtained use of a certified kitchen (she doesn't have one in the cafĂ©) so it works well.  She's going to bake with me, along with another local woman she's inviting, so it'll be a fun few hours each week. 
One of the things I made for our open house last weekend was hummus and homemade parmesan pita crisps.  The crisps are so easy and do not require homemade pita.
Parmesan Pita Crisps
5-6 pitas
3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
3/4 tsp. cumin
1/2 cup coarsely grated parmesan cheese
Cut the pitas into 6 wedges and gently separate the top from the bottom and lay on a cookie sheet.  Mix together the oil and cumin and gently brush on each piece of pita.  Sprinkle parmesan cheese over the top.  Bake in 350 degree oven until crisp, about ten minutes.  Just keep an eye on them.  You can keep them in a sealed plastic bag for up to a week if they last that long.
It still feels like Siberia here and Lake Ontario is frozen which generally never happens.  I spent an hour or so yesterday, while Dan was picking up Stephen, trying to chip away at the 8" thick ice dam on our roof.  It's right where the roof of the house and the roof of the sunroom slant down and meet which is why our ceiling started to leak.  Anyway, one of the elders brought over some calcium chloride which we hope speeds up the process.  In the meantime the temperatures were back into the negative numbers last night so the leaking as stopped (for now).
Emily was home sick most of the week.  I can now add chia seeds to her long list of allergens.   She had some that was in a gluten free tortilla on Saturday and immediately had hives and wheezing.  It always ends up triggering her asthma so she was home for three days.  I'm thankful she's okay now.  We had no idea that chia would do that.  There is never a dull moment around here!
I've been working on my new book and I'm hoping it will be done soon.  It's been slow going, but this week I spent about 8 hours on it so that was good.
Other than that, I'm working on some things for an upcoming retreat in April.  I just finished an article for the website of our national women's group.  I've been writing the liturgy for our community Good Friday Service on April 3rd.  One of the pastors, who is charge of the pastor's association, asked if I would do it since I love writing liturgy (even though our church doesn't follow a liturgical format on Sundays).
I'm hemming pants for someone and another woman called and asked me to make a ribbon quilt for her son out of the ribbons he won for swim meets. 
Cleaning, cooking, reading, writing, sewing, and mothering.
Bread crumbs.


  1. hang in there. Spring is coming. The pitas look amazing. I would love to try them. Hopefully, Stephen will feel better soon. I will pray for him.
    Kathi in Florida

  2. All the crumbs make a very palatable loaf, Terri!

  3. Oh Terri your week is far from bread crumbs! Its all working together for your good! LOL - Sandy

  4. Terri, Congratulations on your book!!! It looks great! I have followed your blog for a long time and I'm always blessed by your writing. I haven't blogged myself for over a year until today. Looking forward to this year! Especially SPRING! Have a Blessed Week!

    1. Thanks Tina! I cannot wait until spring. It's 35 today and feels balmy. :-)


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