Letting Go

"Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."

I am amazed at Jesus' ability to see through the behaviors and actions of that shouting mob and look straight at the heart.  As he hung suffering on the cross, listening to the mocking and hate spewing out of the mouths of his executioners, he looked straight through to their heart and saw what was behind the words.

"Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."

When my accusers poke fun at me, or gossip about me or snub me can I do the same?  Can I look past their hurtful words and attitudes and see them through God's eyes?  When I feel hated and hurt, despised and rejected can I forgive?

"Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."

It's hard isn't it?  I play and replay conversations over and over again.  I create scenarios where I'm able to speak my piece so eloquently.  I create conversations where I'm able to share exactly how hurt I am.  But often, those conversations can never happen and most should never happen.  So what is my response.  Continue to feel the hurt and resentment?  Or see the person through the eyes of our Lord who hung mutilated and bleeding for both myself and the one doling out the pain? 

"Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."

As we head into this Easter season, I desire to forgive when others hurt me.  I want to keep my focus on the Lord.  I want to share in His suffering so that I may grow.  I want to push past my fears, anxieties, hurts, anger, frustrations and all the other negative emotions that seem to want to rise up every day of my life.  I want to be free and learn to forgive, even when forgiveness is not sought out by the one inflicting the wounds.

Because that's the point of this, isn't it?  Christ forgave them even though they didn't understand and even though they didn't repent.  They didn't look up at his bruised and bloodied body and feel remorse.  They kept right on cursing and taunting and mocking.

"Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."

My prayer and I hope your prayer is that we can forgive others for the little slights and unintentional hurts as well as those major things.  Because if we cannot forgive, then we make meaningless the sacrifice of the lamb.  If we can't let things go, then Christ's death is worthless.  Forgiveness comes with a price.  It was the price of His sacrifice but it is also the release we feel when we can let go of the hurt inflicted and leave it in God's hands. 

Let go of the hurt.  Let go of the rejection.  Let go of the wounds.  Let go of the words.

"Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing."


  1. Good Morning! Thanks for the reminder. How can expect others to look on me with compassion if I can't do the same in return.

    1. These are such hard lessons to learn and yet, that truly is how we grow in our faith. I think it's a daily struggle. Have a blessed day, Theresa!


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