Slip-sliding Away

The older I get the more I realize how quickly time slips by. And at times, I regret how much of my life seems to have been wasted on different things.

Too much time wasted on social media, watching someone else's life instead of living my own. 

Wasted staring at a television screen and watching images flit by and being sold lies by advertising companies.

At times, I've wasted it in worry and being anxious over things that I cannot control no matter how much time I invest in the worry.

I've wasted a lot of it in trying to be all things to all people all of the time and then wasting time feeling resentful about that.

And yet, I remind myself that nothing is wasted when you make changes. All that wastefulness of time has led me to the realization that nothing in my life will change if nothing I do changes.

So I'm learning to enjoy each moment of each day.

I'm learning to love myself and the life and circumstances I've been given.

I'm learning to turn those worries over to the Lord and let Him carry that burden. 

I'm learning to stop looking to others for acceptance and approval because no one else can meet that need; only God can.

I'm learning to weed out the good things I do and keep only the best. 

I'm learning to say no to those things I truly don't want to do. This one is more difficult because often I say yes to things because I keep trying to make everyone happy. But the problem with that is the one who ends up not being happy and is stressed out is me.

It's difficult to change a lifetime of bad habits, but I'm continuing to persevere and make small daily new steps. Time is slipping by and I can't change that, but I can change how I approach each new day that comes my way. 


  1. I really needed this today-thank you!

  2. So hard to appreciate what you have and to be satisfied. But I think we learn how to as we get older.


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