A Week of Blessings

I love when God's blessings come in ways you just don't expect. A few months ago my daughter's boyfriend had invited us to come on vacation with his family. Each year they rent a house on a beach and the entire extended family goes. Apparently, one set of grandparents wouldn't be able to be there so they had an extra room.

I have to be honest and say relaxation is very difficult for me. I always have a hundred things that I can be doing and even when I do get a few days away, part of each day is spent in doing some sort of work. So having an entire 5 days away was going to seem a bit lazy to me.

Also, I truly was feeling a bit overwhelmed and awkward crashing another family's vacation. I'm fairly outgoing but when I'm in social situations where I'm the only outsider I feel extremely uncomfortable. But I also knew they were graciously accepting us and my daughter really wanted us to come. 

So we went ahead with the plans to go and I am so thankful I did. First of all, they are such a wonderful family and were so welcoming, kind and and generous. I was put at ease right from the beginning. I feel like I gained new friends and Ryan's mom and I connected well.

We were able to enjoy a vacation we never would have been able to afford on our own. The house was on a semi-private beach and it was the first time I had ever been to an empty beach without crowds. In fact, most days I was the only one in the water.

There were gorgeous views in the morning and at night. Before we left yesterday morning I was able to capture the sunrise as well as a pod of dolphins feeding and that was amazing!

I was very thankful they didn't show up while I was in the water!

But the highlight of the entire week was this moment!

We are gaining a new member of the family and couldn't be happier!

Dan and I realized that this was the first "real" vacation we had been on since the boys were little. It was also a wonderful time for he and I to connect both as we traveled there and back and had time in the water and on the beach together. 

God is good and I am thankful.


  1. What a blessing! A wonderful vacation and a special announcement! Congratulations to Emily and Ryan!

  2. How very exciting and kind of Ryan's family. I'm so happy for Emily to be LOVED by this wonderful family. And, my friend, you deserve this one of a kind vacation. Thanks for sharing your story and the beautiful pictures.

    1. Thank you! They do love her and that blesses me tremendously!

  3. What a wonderful place for you to be able to relax and enjoy a time away. Congratulations on the engagement, what a fun way to pose the question!

  4. Thank you for the wonderful photos. And what a lovely way to propose! Glad you had a super vacation and a chance to expand your friends and family. Hilogene in Az.

    1. We told him, "You did good!" lol It was wonderful to be a part of it.

  5. Blessings of joy and happiness!


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