Multitude Monday: When all You Can do is Cling to the Vine


It is easy to give thanks when things are going well. When my cup overflows and things go my way and all is right in my world, "Thank you, God," rolls off my tongue. 

But when life is hard and you feel like all you can do is cling to the vine or the cold wind of anxiety will blow you away, it's a lot tougher. And yet, on the night Christ was knowingly going to His death, He broke bread, lifted it heavenward and gave thanks. 

"Thank you for this cross you have given me to bear, Lord." May I be able to pray the same.

When Job's children, servants and material possessions, and even his health had been taken from him, He blessed the Lord.

"Naked, I came into the world. Naked I depart. Blessed be the name of the Lord." May I be able to say the same. 

As Stephen was being stoned, he cried out words of forgiveness for those who were throwing the rocks.

"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."  May I forgive in the same way.

Blessings from God's hand are all around us and often, they come as we walk through the fire of trials. But if you don't have your eyes open, you'll never be able to see them.

Lord, open our eyes so that we may see.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,977 - 3,990.

3977. I spent more time with my sister and her husband than I have in my entire adult life. I'm so thankful for those precious and often, fun moments with them.

3978. I had to learn to tame my tongue and attitude many times over the past month. I'm thankful for God giving me the ability to beat down my own selfishness.

3979. Before my mother became unresponsive she was able to tell many people in her life how much they meant to her.

3980. My mother's faith and desire to share Good News with others was strong and she was doing that up to the end.

3981. Stephen's quarantine is over and he is feeling much better. I'm thankful for the strength he showed during his illness.

3982. I'm thankful for people in our previous church who checked in on him.

3983. Emily had the opportunity to cook her very first Thanksgiving meal and did a great job. Thankful for her abilities.

3984. I'm thankful for the young man she is dating. He is a nice, responsible man who treats her well.

3985. Thankful for my mother's pastor who cut into his Thanksgiving plans to travel three hours each way from where he was vacationing to participate in the service.

3986. I am thankful that I was able to see where my grandmother was buried. I wasn't able to go to her funeral earlier this year. My mom will be buried behind her on the other side of the crypt.

3987. I'm thankful for the time we had to get to know my stepdad's children. They have been a blessing to my sister and I.

3988. I'm thankful for safe travels home on Saturday and yesterday. I took two days and spent the night in a hotel. I arrived at the hotel to see this beautiful sight!

3989. Dan and I got out for a walk yesterday and I'm thankful for a beautiful afternoon.

and finally...

3990. Blessings as I cling to the vine.


  1. Beautiful. Give yourself time to rest, Terri. Grief takes so much physical energy in addition to the emotional energy. Allow yourself to rest in your Father's arms. Praying for comfort, strength, and peace.

  2. I am thankful for you, Terri, and the ways you share your heart through your blog. As Sandi said, give yourself time. You've been through a tremendous amount of stress and grief and, as I've been learning this year, grief takes a lot of time and a lot of energy. Give yourself grace and accept God's gracious gift of rest for as long as you need it. You are in my prayers for peace and comfort.

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I so appreciate your prayers!

  3. May you know peace beyond all human understanding, and the love of God, and his amazing grace. Sending thoughts and prayers from across the Pond


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