The Tie That Binds

On any given Sunday morning at our church, you will find.

Great music.


Teens participating in the service in a variety of ways.  Yesterday, Dan used a few of them in a skit as part of his sermon.
You'll find babies crawling around on the floor and toddlers and preschoolers running around.

Old and young get along and enjoy each other.

You'll find tears and laughter.

It's a place where we pray.

And play.

Where one's gifts are developed and utilized.

God's word is taught, discussed, and wrestled with.

It's a place where all are loved and accepted.  

It's unique.

It's wonderful.
It's NOT perfect.  We have misunderstandings and bad days and irritations and weaknesses.


But we work through it, deal with each other, and forgive!

It is, I believe, the way God intended for His body to be.

It's family.


We have one tie that binds us together.  The bond of Christ and it is awesome!


  1. I think all churches are a bit like that Terri, there is so much that seems almost too perfect, but there is also reality too. It is only through the Lord that divisions and imperfections can be ironed out.
    I love the sound of your church, though!

  2. I love hearing about your Church and seeing the wonderful pictures. I am sure it is a place I would like to be a part of if I lived near.

    I am fortunate to belong to a Church here that is much like yours. Every Sunday we close the service by holding hands and singing "We are one in the bond of Love."


    1. How is the new pastor, Debbi? Sounds like things are going well!


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