February Days


One of those dreary, boring, nothing exciting happening months.  Yet, we're getting through it and finding things to keep us busy.

Things like....

Making cookies
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And decorating them.
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Enjoying the beautiful sunshine after a storm.
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Playing in the snow with a friend. I love that they are still not too old to enjoy making forts!
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Dealing with roosters who are afraid of the snow! lol

Playing games with Dad.
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Shoveling off roofs which are causing a dripping ceiling.

Celebrating a birthday.
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Falling flat on my face in the snow.

We still have a few more weeks to go, but Spring is right around the corner, friends.  

Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes, I am ready for spring too, although it would be nice for us to get a bit of snow before then. We have only had a dusting all winter long....oh well! :)



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