Multitude Monday

It's a dreary, rainy day and I had dreams riddled with anxiety last night.  I woke up with a headache and to be honest, quite grouchy.

But I spent some time reading and in prayer and began to feel those anxieties seep away and my Manic Monday has turned into one a Multitude Monday, where God reminded me of the many good things in my life.  And even those things that are not so good, become that way when I remember that He is walking ahead of me and fighting these battles for me. 

Psalm 143:8 (HCSB) ~

Let me experience
Your faithful love
   in the morning,
for I trust in You.
Reveal to me the way
   I should go
because I long for You.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3020 - 3030.

3020.  Laundry drying in the breeze

3021.  I made good progress on those weeds I mentioned until I did something to my good knee!  But it looks so much better.  Progress!

3022.  Dan got to go climb another high peak in the Adirondacks (there are 46) with the boys.  They had a wonderful time together.

3023.  Lunch out with these two as we picked up a Father's Day gift.

3024.  Good conversations with my husband this week.

3025.  I made some progress on something that's been looming over my head for months.  It requires brain power and I've been procrastinating. 

3026.  Emily received a scholarship the other night at an awards ceremony.

3027.  Beautiful, sunny days.  We are back to rain this week but last week was gorgeous.

3028.  I've been coordinating the high school Baccalaureate service this year and this is the first time we've had the students actually participate and run the program.  They have been wonderful to work with. 

3029.  I'm thankful for my husband, step father and father-in-law.  They are three Godly men who love me and I love them.

and finally...

3030.  My Monday morning pick-me-up!


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