Made to Order


This is the second order I've had where people have asked me to make a specific item. I was commissioned to make two aprons, a his and hers set for a gift.

The customer told me she wanted me to try and incorporate some of the colors in this couple's kitchen - dark greens, brown, dark red, navy. She also wanted both aprons to have the same basic colors but obviously, one more feminine and one masculine.

Both aprons have dark green on one side and chocolate brown on the other. The pocket is the same on both sides and is lined in chocolate brown.

I enjoyed making these even though they are not my favorite colors. I think something springy and colorful is coming up! ;-)


  1. Very nice, Terri. You do very nice work. I hope that whoever gets these will get lots of enjoyment wearing them.

  2. I love them. They will make a wonderful gift.

    Love, Debbi

  3. I know what you mean about the colours, but you have done just what was asked for and I'm sure they will be appreciated.

  4. Oh, these are lovely Terri! I love your colour choices! xx

  5. Terri, I have a question for you. Is your Church planning anything special for Valentines Day? I would love some ideas and If you answer yes I will send you my e-mail address.

    Thank-you very much.


  6. Debbi,

    We are not. There are too many other things going on this month. We are having a Chilefest next weekend to raise money for a missions trip to Chile in Oct. and then a ladies craft night on the 17th.

  7. However, if you still want to give me your email address I can try and give you some ideas.

  8. Good grief! Debbi, can you send it to me again. I accidentally deleted it before I copied the email address. Sorry!


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