

If I had a word to describe yesterday's birthday, it would be touching. My major gift was the party and we also went out to eat last night. But Dan and the children all made me homemade cards this year and let me just say, I cried a lot yesterday!

I won't share Dan's because it's too personal but he did list 50 qualities that he appreciated about me.

Emily's was very sweet. She did an acronym of my name and wrote something next to each adjective.

Terrific - Mom, you are awesome. I love you.
Exciting - #1 Mom? You!
Religious - You motivate me every day and I can't tell you how many times you have cheered me up.
Rockin' - U R Awesome!
Intelligent - I love you so much. You mean a lot to me and you are a great role model. P.S. You are skinny! (I need to pay that girl)!

Stephen's was very clever. He wrote kind of a poem (not a rhyming one).

What is Fifty?
Fifty is celebration
Fifty is amazing
Fifty is shocking
Fifty is wonderful
Fifty is kind
Fifty is compassionate
Fifty is pretty
Fifty is young
Fifty isn't perfect, but it's close
Fifty is urbane
Fifty loves the Lord
Fifty is a disciple
Fifty isn't forty but it's not sixty
Fifty loves the numbers 12, 18, 20 and 48 (my family's ages)
Fifty loves the names Emily, Stephen, Nathan and Dan
Fifty isn't truculent, but benevolent
Fifty rocks
Fifty doesn't have gray (HAH!)
Fifty loves roosters
Fifty is the best-sounding author of New York
Fifty is hip
Fifty is always there for its favorite numbers and names
Fifty can cook
Fifty is funny
Fifty has mad singing skills
Fifty is the best number of them all

Fifty is you, Mom

The final card from Nathan really did make me weep. He struggles with writing so much and to just type 2-3 sentences probably took him almost an hour. He also has great difficulty in expressing any emotion or empathy.

This is what his card said:

All the things I want to write and say to you I can't put on paper. So I am going to put it like this. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Without you I would not do many things.

Aren't they wonderful? I love my family.


  1. Oh man, Nathan's words have made me cry too.

    Terri, you are one blessed lady! And thank you for your lovely comment on my blog you too! xx

  2. Wonderful words from your family.
    They are the ones that know you best.
    Thanks for being the christian example that you are to your family and to all of us in your blogging family.
    Happy Birthday, Terri, May God give you many more!
    Blessings, Donna

  3. These are PRECIOUS! YOU are BLESSED. Rejoicing in the encouragement of your birthday. You are one special lady!


  4. Oh goodness...they are all so sweet, it made me tear-up too!
    You are blessed with a very wonderful family!


  5. What a wonderful 50th birthday you had, Terri! It's obvious you are loved. All of your children's messages were heart-warming, but Nathan's brought some tears. He's a special person and he knows God gave him the best mother in the world. So glad you had such a sweet day.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  6. Terri, they say everything that you deserve.

  7. You're family did an amazing job with your birthday cards. No wonder you cried. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Love, Debbi

  8. Happy Birthday Terri! It is obvious that you are very loved!

  9. Dear Terri,
    Belated Happy Birthday! Those birthday poems were pure gold weren't they? All so different,so full of love and character. Oh, no wonder you had some tears!

    Know that you inspire many of US, too.
    Blessings to the Lady with NO gray!!
    ((Blog hugs )) xx

  10. You are truly Blessed! These cards are the best present you could ever want! The party with friends and family was pretty nice too. So, I guess, turning 50 wasn't so bad after all, was it?

    Wait til you get to be 70!

  11. How beautiful. What beautiful words that all your children have written to you and about you. So precious, and how blessed you must feel.
    Happy 50th Birthday, Terri.


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