Monday Blessings

Monday is the day to look back over the week and give thanks for the many ways I saw God at work. It was a good week and while there were hard moments in the middle of some days, I still see God's blessings, even in the hard.

💓 I am thankful that even though my inlaws are separated at the moment (dad in assisted living and mom still in nursing home, rehabilitating), they are safe. We aren't having to worry about them being hurt and one or the other of them unable to call for help. My mother-in-law wouldn't even know how to call for help if something were to happen to dad. They are well-fed, have nursing care available, and many people to interact with on a daily basis. 

💓 I am thankful that Dan was able to spend the day with both his parents on Tuesday and I spent the morning with his dad on Wednesday and took him out to lunch. It's mentally exhausting, but I'm thankful. I never want to look back with regret that we didn't make them a priority.

💓 My large list of things that I wanted to get done this week was somehow accomplished. But at the same time, I was able to start each day in silence with the Lord as I read and prayed. That's the one thing that grounds me each day and I believe that God gives me the strength I need.

💓 We've been here for 5 years now and I'm thankful that it's finally feeling like home. It took longer than it has in the other churches we've served in. But I am thankful for our church body.

💓 I was asked to participate in a focus group of 8 ordained women in our denomination that was initiated by our national office. It was an honor to be asked and it was a good time chatting with other women who all have the same calling on their life and yet, can't always use our God-given gifts.

💓 Sweet time of prayer with our church board.

💓 The "Turn the River Green" event took place on Saturday morning and was really fun. It was crazy busy as there were 2,000 people in attendance. We ended up having about 250 children do a craft at our tent in the space of 90 minutes. So I only saw the river for about a minute. 😀 But the kids loved the crafts and we were present in our community.

💓 Children, who make me laugh out loud. We have a few at church that are genuinely funny. They are a joy!

💓 Our missions conference started last night and that went really well. I was thankful for the many hands that set up yesterday morning after the service and the many hands that helped clean up last night.

💓 A good night's sleep. I was up at 3 a.m. yesterday so I am thankful that I had a solid night of sleep last night. 

💓 An opportunity to spend some time with my inlaws today. I'm praying that my words will bring peace and comfort and that I will show much love and patience.

💓 Warmer temperatures, singing birds and sunshine. Spring is finally on the way.

and finally...

💓 A multitude of blessings on this Monday morning.


  1. Wonderful to read this. BUT how do they turn the river green? 💚

    1. They use a USDA and EPA approved dye that they use in sewer systems to detect gas. It dissipates fairly quickly and isn't supposed to harm the water or wildlife. Within an hour the green color was gone, but it certainly was a very neon green color while it lasted.


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