Getting My Ducks in a Row


I have so much work to do as I look around my home.  I love to organize things but have been very remiss about doing this in my house the past year and a half.  We moved into the parsonage in March of 2011 and while things got unpacked and put away, it still doesn't feel right.  

► We have very little storage space in this house so I have a corner in my upstairs hallway that is storing all my Christmas items, suitcases and odds and ends.  But it's an eye sore so I want to figure out what to do there.

► I have hardly any cupboard space and things are precariously piled on top of each other and I can't get to many of my baking dishes easily.  So I need to try and come up with some more storage.

► I'm not thrilled with the way my furniture is arranged in the dining room and have some ideas I want to try out.

► I received a 5 shelf book case from a friend and want to paint it, add stencils and use it for some of the kitchen storage issues.  There is a smaller bookcase that I'll be giving to Stephen for his mess.  

► Stephen's room is a disaster area.  I feel like I need a hazmat suit on every time I walk in there!  He struggles with organization and I know him enough to know he is overwhelmed and needs some help.

► My laundry area which is a closet has some shelves that I'm using for canned goods but it's become a giant sized mess.

► My bedroom is full of bags, boxes and other storage containers waiting to go to the thrift shop.  I just need to do it!

► And then there is always clutter somewhere.  Papers, books and odds and ends seem to multiply.  There has to be a better system! lol

So decluttering, rearranging, and organizing are on my list of things to do in the coming weeks.  I'd like to get this all finished by the end of the year  so I can start out 2013 on a good foot.

I find that when my house is in order, I feel settled and relaxed.  I'll post pictures as I finish the projects which will keep me motivated.

So I'll be getting my ducks in a row and my home in order!


  1. Me too! Only in my case I also have my clothes closet...and a clean out is add to the thrift store bags.

    With both daughters moving out within the last 5 months, we have lots of stuffed animals etc to find a new home for!

  2. I have been saying most of what you are saying ever since we moved back to England.....not enough cupboard space! I have two narrow hanging cupboards and decided to have shelves put into one of them, which does mean I have somewhere to store linen.

  3. Maybe you will get me motivated. I have lots to do around here too. Oh by the way, have you ever watched "Hoarders"? That will get you in the mood to purge and organize soon. It's unbelievable how bad some of those places are.

    Good luck with your goal of finishing by 2013.


    1. No Debbi, I have not seen it. My problem isn't hoarding things because I purge constantly. It's just with homeschooling, there always seems to be piles of papers everywhere! That, and the fact that we literally have no storage space in the house makes for some creativity on my part!

  4. Terri, I didn't think you were a hoarder. I was just wondering if you had ever seen that show. It really is sad to think people can live that way. Every time I watch it I just want to get up and start cleaning.....but I don't. LOL! I have lots or papers, etc. everywhere too. It seems like I am always working on a project for Church so my dining room table is my work/storage space. I need to get into my closets and purge but I need a big, big box first.

    Love you,

    1. I'm probably not because I have relatives who are and I've seen how horrible it is! lol


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