When Our Children Hurt

It's Loving Our Children Tuesday at my friend Kate's blog and I'm joining in today.

I consider myself a pretty strong person.  I've been through my share of knocks in life and have come out on the other side with scars, but able to deal with many things.

When it comes to my children, it's harder for me.  I think most mothers find that they bleed when their children bleed.  In fact, if you are like me, you probably bleed worse when they are hurt!  I find myself walking around with knots in my stomach because I want their lives to be good.  I want them to be happy and content.  I want better for them than it was for me.


My children have been hurt and disappointed in a few ways this past week and it's been hard for me.  In a few of the instances, it's been through other people being extremely unkind.  That one is harder for me to deal with than just something happening that's a disappointment.  

My children are not mean kids.  They have always been kind to their friends and others they meet so it's hard for them to understand when someone is deliberately mean.  It hurts them deeply which in turn hurts me.



I'm learning that I need to trust God in this area of my children's lives.  He has a plan for them.  He has lessons for them to learn.  He wants to use their trials and hardships to shape them into the adults He wants them to be.


So the only thing I can do is...

♥ Love them.

♥ Encourage them.

♥ Remind them of God's love.

♥ Cheer them up.

♥ Pray for them.


♥ Trust God myself!

I know these things and I honestly don't run around trying to fix most of their difficulties, but I still hurt for them.

It's hard being a parent sometimes, isn't it?


  1. I feel the same way, Terri. I hurt when my children hurt, but I've learned to let them be themselves and deal with things. Plus pray for them. Even when they are grown a mother will always hurt when their child hurts. You have the answer- trust in God.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  2. Its very hard Terri, and even as they get older you will always have that worry at the back of your mind

  3. Boy does this post hit home for me. My daughter is going through some possible MAJOR health issues that can be scary for anyone let alone a young teen. I try to put on a brave face for her; but when alone I am a wreck. I have found myself leaning towards God more than ever and get a calming feeling when I do. Reminds me of that a song from the 70's or 80's (showing my age here - LOL) about giving up everything for your love ones (a song by Bread I think). Kids are amazing and complete your life. One will never know the power of a power of a mother love until they experience it.


  4. Yes, it was hard being a mother. And wonderful also.

  5. There is nothing quite like someone hurting my child to bring out the tigress in me! You can walk on me, but do not touch my child! :) It is so hard knowing which things you need to "let" happen and those where you need to step in. Great post!

  6. I would so much rather something happen to me than to my kids! You are right - you have very nice kids, and I'm upset someone would be mean to them, too!

  7. Yes, it is hard being a mother and it doesn't get any easier when they leave the nest. BUT is there any other job we would rather have?

    Praying for you and Dan, Terri. You are doing an awesome job with those kids. God is good.

    Love you,

  8. Terri, the one thing that has changed and guided my life the MOST in this area is Keith Green's song, "I Pledge My Head To Heaven" - particularly the verse that says:

    "I pledge my son to heaven for the gospel,
    Though he's kicked and beaten, ridiculed and scorned.
    I will teach him to rejoice and lift a thankful praising voice,
    And to be like Him who bore the nails and crown of thorns."


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