

I love our church! This has been one of the best churches that Dan and I have ever been part of. I was thinking about why it's so special and I think it's summed up in one word, family.

Unfortunately, we live far away from our families and only get to see them once or twice a year. Yet, the church has really become our family. They are there for us and support us and cry and laugh with us. They get all of Dan's little quirks and love him for it. Okay, I have quirks too but I'm not going to say what they are!!! They encourage us and love us.


Our church has been a place where people can grow and stretch and learn with a safety net. We have an absolutely God-sent keyboardist and worship leader who is the most patient person on earth. She allows us to make mistakes. Because of her, Nathan is playing the drums in church. She encouraged him and nudged him along, even when he wasn't very good and now that boy can drum up a storm!


The neat thing about our church is that it doesn't matter how old or how young, we all get along. Last February, we had a sleigh riding party and had a 70 year old couple sledding down the hill along with 4 and 5 year olds.

Our church is a fun place to be. We laugh a lot. We enjoy one another. Yet, we hear solid, Biblical teaching. I may be biased but Dan is an excellent preacher. The thing I hear over and over about him is that he preaches the heavy stuff but does it in such a way that everyone, even the uneducated, can understand.


It's hard to believe that Dan & I have been in this church plant for almost 5 years. It has limped along for 4 of those years and all of the sudden we can see the Lord working in huge ways! We are starting to grow in numbers yet more importantly, people are coming to know the Lord and being changed. We have 3 baptisms coming up this Sunday. Praise God!


There are so many other things I could say, but these are just a few of the reasons we love our church!


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