The Joys of Writing

After bumbling around with different writing programs I finally stumbled across something that I love. It's called Writing Clear Paragraphs and it is actually a text for the high school and college level. However, I am using it with all three children and just gearing it for their age.

It has been an amazing transformation after just 2 weeks of using it to see the difference in their writing. My pet peeve is bad writing so the one thing I want to accomplish with them is being able to write well.

We are focusing on writing a good topic sentence which is specific, states your opinion about something and provides direction for the rest of the paragraph.

Emily's first sentence went from "I like painted ponies." when we first started to today's sentence of "Loud vacuum cleaners are annoying when you are trying to watch television."

Stephen's first sentence went from "Very funny jokes make me laugh." to today's sentence of "Sometimes young kids are gross because of their dirty, disgusting eating habits."

Nathan's went from "Corn snakes make a great pet for anyone who loves snakes." to "My hometown of ______ was looking like a ghost town, but now civilization is creeping in."

It's hard work for them but they are actually starting to enjoy it.

Here are some pictures of our morning:

Writing sometimes makes us sad!

Nathan is always happy no matter how difficult the subject.

Keeping up with her brothers.


These next two have nothing to do with writing but I thought I'd throw them in there.

Daddy's girl

They love each other though they do fight at times!


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