Choosing Not to Kick the Cat

The choices we make can either be good or bad. So many don't realize that even our attitudes and feelings are a choice. We have a choice each day to make that day one in which we will react to our circumstances or choose not to react. I can choose to let someone else's bad day ruin mine, or I can choose to not take on someone else's attitude.

When Dan and I were first married we worked for a sales organization. I still remember listening to a motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar who was talking about this topic. He gave the scenario of a man being a work and having a boss that was berating him all day long. The man then came home and snapped at his wife. His wife, in turn, yelled at their son for a small infraction because she was upset. The son was now hurt by his mom and pushed his little sister. She, being the youngest, turns around and kicks the cat!

Zig talked about making a different choice by not allowing others bad behaviors and moods cause you to respond in the same way to those in your circle of influence. Because our choice to respond badly has a ripple effect. In other words, don't kick the cat!

This past weekend was such a good one and it was mostly because of my choices. I had planned on participating in a craft show all day on Saturday, but after a phone conversation with my daughter who was really down, I chose a different plan. She came home for the weekend and I decided to opt out of the show and spend time at home with my family. It was a good choice.

We had some good conversations about this very thing. You cannot make anyone do the right thing. You cannot make them be kind or thoughtful. The only thing we do have control over is our response. So make the right choice. Choose not to react in anger. Choose not to retaliate. Choose to forgive. Choose to not allow another's "mess" make you kick your cat!

Choices. Make the right ones.

This week I am thankful for blessings #3,426 - 3,440.

3426. Gleaning some good information from a meeting.

3427. A dentist who doesn't hurt me.

3428. Collaborating with a friend for an upcoming craft show.

3429. We are starting a paper chain of thankfulness at church between now and advent. Each Sunday and at each meeting of the church people are writing one thing they are thankful for and we are turning them into a paper chain that will be hung from the cross in the front of the sanctuary to the back. It was well received yesterday and many of the things written brought tears to my eyes as I read them. We are cultivating an atmosphere of thanksgiving.

3430. This sweet friend lost her husband back in the late spring. She played for the offertory yesterday in the first time since he passed away. She wasn't sure she'd be able to do it  because she gets very emotional. She not only did it, but she played a difficult piece flawlessly.

3431. The teens have been meeting again and Stephen and another gentleman in the church are leading them. Are they doing it the way I would? Not at all. But I'm learning that it's okay, and to let go!

3432. A fun family game night at church on Friday.

3433. Emily got to come home and we were able to offer some advice, as well as listen to her thoughts on a couple of situations. I have to say that I'm quite proud of how wise she is becoming.

3434. Fresh baked cookies in fun shapes.

3435. The anticipation of the upcoming holidays. I'm looking forward to the celebrations.

3436. A sweet friend who baked a pie for Dan for Pastor Appreciation Month; his favorite.

3437. A monetary gift that helped with our trip yesterday to take Emily back to school. 

3438. A fun date night with Dan at a new restaurant we discovered on our trip back last night.

3439. Dan and I spent some time in prayer yesterday before church and before anyone arrived. It was good way to start Sunday and we both felt our spirits lift as we prayed.

and finally...

3440. Making the choice not to kick the cat.


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