Winter Blahs

Okay, is anyone else having a difficult time with January? I really am not fond of January & February. This year especially has been blah because we have not had much snow the past 2 weeks. Today it's raining which makes it really dreary.

So I decided to pull out some pictures from our hike on the Appalachian Trail which is only about 7 miles from here. These were taken in September.

Getting ready to hike. You would think we were going for a week the way they pack!

Getting ready to get on the trail.


Beautiful views!

Ignore the unphotogenic woman in the middle!

I love this picture because this is how they both usually are when they are outside. Usually, there is a snake or some sort of creepy crawly there too!


There. Don't you feel better? I'm ready to go hiking again.


  1. Terri, I am SO ready for warmer weather!!!!! My dc are getting cabin fever. And so am I! Those were great pictures. Thanks for the uplift!! lol


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