Sew Crafty Friday


It's Sew Crafty Friday again. Shereen over at Waiting For Him hosts this each week. I finished Emily's apron and you can see pictures of it under Saturday, February 23rd's post.

This week I've been working on a baby quilt. This is the first quilt I've ever made and I'm so pleased at how it's turning out. I love the colors and it will be so cute when it's done.



The dark purple will be the border and the back.

I have 8 rows done so far and it goes really quick so I'm hoping to get most of it done by next week.


  1. What an adorable quilt. I love the fun fabric you chose. And your daughter looks adorable in the lovely apron you made. Great job on both projects.

  2. Adorable! And look how straight it is. Hard to believe that's your first. I've tried my hand at quilting, but my rows always come out 'off' no matter how hard I try. They look great from a distance, but don't look too close, LOL! Still, they're comfortable and I'm not entering any contests.
    Now I'm going to look at Emily's apron!

  3. Thanks Ginny & Mom2fur.

    Mom2fur, I'm actually surprised that the rows are coming out so straight. I keep waiting for them to look off. :-)


  4. I'm back--the apron came out great! And you survived putting on all that binding, LOL!

  5. THat is such cute fabric! It's going to be very pretty when you're done.

  6. It is really cute, Terri. Your doing a beautiful job. I've bought a book to do quilting which shows all the steps but I haven't attempted it yet. What a homemaker you are! Terrific job.

  7. Hi, again! Thanks for coming over to my blog for a visit, and for the nice comment!

  8. The animal prints makes the quilt looks cheerful. Did you jointhe squares pair by pair. If u do that, u may want to consider sewing 2 long strips together and cut into smaller pieces needed.

  9. Fatiah,

    I cut out all my squares from the two contrasting fabrics. I then joined them together square by square and then sewed each long strip together.


  10. I love to quilt. I"m not the best at it but I"m going to start up again for the girls home.

    We are also doing some weaving we use these boards to make blankets and scarves that look knitted.

    I will take some pics and show you later.


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