I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Michelle and I am supposed to list 7 random things about myself so here it goes!

1. I was a psychology major in college.
2. I HATE brussel sprouts!
3. I once stopped a man beating up a woman on the street in our last ministry. (It was his girlfriend)
4. I'm petrified of spiders.
5. I have to sleep with the sheets up around my neck or I don't feel comfortable. (Besides, sleeping like this will keep any ax murderers at bay) - LOL!
6. Lilacs are my favorite flower.
7. When I hang up clothes on the line, they all have to be facing the same direction.

There. Now you know how quirky I really am. :-)


  1. I knew that all along Terri but loved you anyway!! LOL!! I liked your list. It is original to say the least!!!

  2. You are not quirky at all! It was fun reading your list.
    Have a great daY!

  3. Oh, I have to agree about the covers having to be up around your neck, that is absolute necessity! At our last house, we had massive spiders that were all around and would come in our house. I actually ran over one with my van, it was that big! Anyway, I have this serious adrenaline rush that I have whenever I see a spider or think of one, I just had a chill typing this line! LOL! I totally have to hang my clothes all in the same direction in the closet, they all face left. Craziness, I'm familiar with it! Thanks for sharing your list!

  4. EEEEEWWWW, shudder on the spiders, Aprille! That's why I live in the north and not the south!!!!

  5. I laughed out loud at the covers having to be up around your neck...so like me! Oh, and I have to hang my laundry out like that too! Hooray, we're weirdos together!!

    Love, Tina :)


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