School All Over

We have such a small house and the children are so easily distracted that we tend to do school all over the house rather than parking everyone in one spot. It tends to be that wherever there is a quiet, empty space is where school happens.

Breakfast is in the right room :-)!

Writing at the kitchen table.

Vocabulary on the upstairs landing table.

Math in the bedroom.

Reading - Stephen in his room and Emily in mine.


We do history and science all together in the living room or kitchen table depending what is happening.

It was an adjustment at first trying to work out the logistics so that everyone can focus but so far this has been a good method for us.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I think your blog is wonderful and will be back to visit soon.

  2. I think it's great that you have a system that works for you!

    When my children were younger, homeschooling in my corner of Scotland was virtually unheard of. In fact, when I was a child (in the 70s) it just wasn't allowed. I would have loved to have homeschooled my two but my circumstances at the time and the education system just wouldn't have allowed it. I thank the Lord that He has kept them safe at school and they continue to walk on the narrow path.

    Enjoy the freedom you have, to educate your children yourself.

    Love, Tina :)

  3. Tina, I think the Lord works with our children no matter what we decide educationally. I started homeschooling because my oldest has severe learning disabilities. I never would of even started otherwise.

    It's harder when your children are in public school but I think what makes more of a difference in your children's lives is how you interact as a family and your relationship with your children. :-)


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