Seeing Green

I realized the other day that all of the sudden I was seeing signs of spring. First of all, the birds are back. In the past few days I've seen robins, mourning doves, sparrows, and red-winged blackbirds among a few. The best thing for me in the morning is lying in bed when I first wake up and hearing the mourning doves' sorrowful cry.


Also, I've seen signs of Spring in all different shades of green. It's coming slowly and you have to look hard but it's there. It's still only been in the high 30s and low 40s all week but Spring is definitely on the way!



Buds on the trees

We have grass!

This is the north so we probably have another month to go before it really feels spring-like but I'm so glad it's coming :-)!


  1. Yes, Spring is definately coming your way...hang in there, it will be there real soon...hopefully by the time we arrive in June:-)!

  2. The kids are all excited that you are coming. They've asked me 4 or 5 times since yesterday when it is that you are coming to visit. We'll plan some things to do :-)!


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