Ten Minute Tidy

Okay, a friend of mine today told me how she does a ten minute tidy in her home. Thanks, Jenni :-)! So I decided to implement it. How it works is you set a timer for 10 minutes and you and the children pick up as much as you can in 10 minutes. I used to do this when they were younger but had forgotten all about it. Silly me! It worked wonderfully.

Here are the before pictures.

This counter top is a dumping ground for everything. Believe it or not, it actually looks much better than it did a few days ago.

Okay, it looks like the computer is a dumping ground too.

Piano books never seem to make it back to the shelf where they belong.

The table collects clutter also.

We set the timer and were off! Here are the final results.

Emily wanted to pose :-). Also, the coat hanger is substituting for the antenna that snapped off the radio.




Dan came home about 5 minutes after we finished and asked if I cleaned the house. LOL! See, 10 minutes can look like you cleaned all day.


  1. Thanks Terri, this is a great tip!

    I'm glad it's not just our household who use certain areas as 'dumping grounds'! lol!

    You made a great job and you have a lovely home.

    Love, Tina :)

  2. Good Job, Terri and children. How 'bout coming over here next? Humm!

  3. Thanks ladies! Mom, I'll send them to you next as long as you take them for a week ;-)!

  4. Wow! You accomplished so much in 10 minutes. Great job! :)

  5. A week, huh? That would be a pleasure!


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