And so it begins

The mud and the dirt. Wet pants, socks and shoes. Scrapes and cuts. Dirty hands, hair and clothes.


The slithering creatures!

First garter snake of the season.


They also found a couple of black rat snakes as well. However, they couldn't get them out from under the rocks.




Welcome to my world!


  1. shivers~~~~

    I want you to know I love your blog...despite today's pictures...LOL!

    God Bless!!

  2. LOL! Thank you, Nanny. I actually can handle snakes. It's spiders that make me shiver!!!

  3. I agree with Nanny, I don't know how you stand it but I'm glad that you don't make your kids afraid of things because of any personal fear you may have. I try to stay as far away from snakes as I can and I don't want them anywhere near my house!

  4. It's a kid thing. I used to collect bugs. You couldn't get me to touch one now.

  5. ugh! I wasn't prepared for the snake pictures. :) My boys once found a dead snake on our street that had been run over by a car. They kept wanting me to come out and look at it. No thank you!!

  6. Sorry about that! I'll give you all fair warning next time ;-).

  7. Your snakes look cute. The snakes we get here are venomous and not very friendly at all. I hope your son enjoys his work on the farm.

  8. Tracy, thank you for visiting. We have some venemous snakes but not many - mostly copperheads and rattlesnakes.


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