This Girl Cracks Me Up!

Emily is being punished this week by having to do a ton of extra chores around the house. She has been the happiest I've seen her in a long time!!! This girl loves to work.

She did the lunch dishes for me. She mopped the entire downstairs. She carried things up and down the stairs for me. She helped make dinner. She set the table. She straightened the silverware drawer.

What a nut! It's supposed to be punishment but she is actually enjoying work. LOL!

I'm going to have to come up with a better plan ;-).


  1. You might need a new punishment, but it is great that she loves doing things around the house. :-)


  2. Hmmm you did something right mom if she loves to keep house!! lol....Shes a cutie!! Have a great week!!~Wendy

  3. She cracks me up too! She is welcome at my house as punishment any time she likes. :) XXX
    Ps. I love snakes too!

  4. TOO funny! My Jacob is the same way.

  5. Bless her heart, Terri. You are so fortunate to have children who like to work. There are so many that don't want to work or take responsibility at all! Count your blessings and forget Plan B!

  6. Woa, she likes chores? Send her over!!

    (your alternative punishment could be to make her sit still!)lol

    Love, Tina :)

  7. Certainly does not seem like punishment to me!!! I could use someone like that at my house!


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