20 Years

Today is our 20th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that we have been married that long.


It really has been a fun and adventerous 20 years. We have done things that most people probably would never consider enjoyable (such as inner city work) yet we found it to be so rewarding.


I was looking through our wedding pictures and we certainly look much younger (and ahem....thinner). I'm so glad that I waited to marry because the Lord led me to the perfect man. Our personalities definitely mesh well and I'd marry Dan all over again!


Of course, we are older and wiser now. There are times we look back and talk about how we really had no clue what marriage or parenthood was all about and wished we were smarter about some things. Yet we have grown throughout our marriage and the Lord has blessed us in many ways.

Happy Anniversary, Dan! I love you.



  1. Congratulations!!! What lovely pictures of you both...I love to see wedding pics! You haven't changed all that much Terri! Have a blessed day together.

    Love, Tina :)

  2. Happy Anniversary! I love those pictures of the two of you. You look SO in love!

  3. Were you reading my mind??? lol. I was thinking...wouldn't it be fun if Terri posted pics from when they were married 20 years ago. I love to see how people have changed...although you two still look very much the same :)

    Have a great day :) And may God bless the next 20 years even more than the first!
    Love You,
    Laura in VA

  4. How sweet to look back over the years, such pretty photos.

  5. Terri,

    Happy Anniversary to you & Dan! And thank you for sharing the lovely pictures!

    Praying that the Lord will richly bless your day!


  6. Congratulations on 20 years!!! I pray the next 20 years are even more Blessed!! Have a wonderful day!~Wendy

  7. Wow --Its Juan and I's Anniversary too today !!! 5 years and counting. He suprised me last night with a beautiful card and chocolates because he had to leave early for work. Wasnt that sweet. Congrats !! What am I going to blog about now-you stole my idea :)

  8. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

    You've hardly changed at all Terri.

  9. Thank you ladies! We had a very nice day.

    Stephanie, Happy Anniversary! It's Mike & Robin's today too.

  10. Happy Anniversary, Dan and Terri! I agree that you two are a great couple. LOVED seeing the photos. :)


  11. I found your blog through your comment on 50's housewife's blog, and believe it or not, my husband and I celebrated 20 years yesterday too!

    Happy Anniversary!


  12. Mindy, welcome and Happy Anniversary! I hope you'll visit often. :-)


  13. Terri,

    Happy Anniversary to both of you and may the Lord bless you with many more!


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