
Mondays are just such blah days around here. I think a lot of it is just from the extreme busyness of the weekend. Because Dan is a pastor, our weekends are nuts. The entire day on Saturday is taken up with worship practice, bulletins, men's breakfasts, ladies luncheons, and things like that.

Then of course there is Sunday. Sunday is NOT a day of rest for the pastor and his family. We are normally going from early in the morning to late at night. Last night, we had our small group meeting here and one couple stayed until 9:45. I'm not complaining because we loved having them but I wanted to give you an example of what I mean.

Then there is Monday. It's like we've had major activity and then everything comes to a screeching halt. In order to keep our sanity, everyone tends to move slower here.

On Mondays.....

I let the children sleep in a bit.

School is on the lighter side.

I tend to do easier meals like leftovers.

I may read or sew or crochet in the afternoons instead of doing major housework.

Sometimes we take the afternoon and go somewhere with the children.

I find that we just need that extra day to revamp, rest and get refocused. How do you spend your Mondays?


  1. Mondays are like that for us too. It seems that we are all going in different directions on the weekends. So Mondays are usually a catchup day of sleep and laundry.

    Now this weekend is an exception. Saturday was lazy and yesterday was also a bit lazy. We went to morning service but I had to help a neighbor with something until about 5:15 so we didn't make it to night service. So we just hung out and enjoyed the down time.
    So today will be a day of housework for me! ;0)

  2. Wishing it was Saturday again lol.

    For us the weekend is when we have to get all the stuff done that we can't all week because Dh is working. It's usually the bigger chores that require more Mondays are a rest day for us too.

    I don't think which day we rest is so important...but it IS important that we take one day a week to REST. God commanded it...for our good :)

    Relax...I can see you sitting out on your spot on the deck already :)
    Laura in VA

  3. I'm sure you badly need a day's rest. Our Vicar always takes Monday off and we try not to disturb!

  4. Our congregation is blessed with 2 ministers.... our full time minister takes off on Mondays since the weekend for him is usually full of ministry related agenda... and then there is an all day work day for him on Sundays.... our part-time minister is in the Office on Mondays so that there is someone in the office in case of a need. This has worked for the congregation for several years and helps our full time minister not get so "burned out" so to speak because of not having a day off during the week. Our minsters have such a wonderful relationship between them that it just sets a great example of service to others in the congregation.

  5. I think Mondays should be your new Sundays-a day of rest. There is nothing wrong with that.

  6. Enjoy your slower pace Monday Terri- you so deserve it.
    I was on a course once that said that clergy should enjoy their very own "Sunday" on a weekday.

    Saturday & Sunday are very relaxed here so on Monday I try to catch up a little - however I just go with the flow - I remind myself that not everything must be completed on a Monday!

  7. Mondays for me is major clean-up time after the weekend. We often have a houseful of teenagers at weekends, so...well, you can imagine!

    Love, Tina :)

  8. You definitely deserve your slowed-up Mondays! Our weekends aren't quite as busy as yours but Sundays can be. Hope you feel refreshed.


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