New Project

I believe that I mentioned that there is a building next door that our landlord is letting me use for 3D Girls. There is an old funeral home next door and this building is behind the funeral home. It's a long rectangular building that was used to do embalming. That was about 20 years ago. Previously, a church used the property and they used it for a fellowship hall. There is a kitchen in there as well as a bathroom and office.

Here's the corner of the building.

The landlord said he would pay to get it painted for us and he is not going to charge us rent to use it either. I gave him the estimate we received and it was really more than he wanted to pay.

So we came to a happy medium. He is going to pay the boys to scrape the old wallpaper off the walls and we will get a church work day together to paint it. He will pay for all the materials.

Someone wallpapered over cinder block and what a mess! The wallpaper peeled off easily but the backing and glue stuck to the wall. On top of this, there is some mildew in the building.

Here is the room.

We sponged vinegar & hot water on the wall and let it set for about 5 minutes. Then using scrapers, the boys began to scrape off the mess.

The boys are so excited to be earning some money and they actually finished an entire wall in just a few hours.

So this project will be occupying their afternoons for the next few weeks. We need to have it done by the beginning of October.


  1. Girl what happened to you taking it easy this week hummm???? You are one busy lady, I'll be exhausted for you!! Its awesome hes not going to charge you rent!!! Well at least this will keep the boys busy for a few days!!lol....Have a great night!~Wendy

  2. Wow - you lucky thing - a whole building to do as you wish. What does the 3D mean?
    I know it will not be like here - 3D is a discipleship course for adults - a foundation course for lay preaching and pastoral care courses. I studied it last year - wow it was hard!
    We have to "borrow" school halls for our kid's programmes - our schools are very generous - but to have your own place - I must not covet my neighbour's room!

  3. Wendy, I'm not doing the scraping - the boys are! Though I do find myself picking up the scraper now and then and either Dan or one of the boys will yell at me. LOL!

  4. Lynn - 3D Girls is a girl's club for children, ages 6-12. The 3Ds stand for - devotion to God, creative disciplines (cooking & crafts), and dramatic arts (singing, dancing, drama). We combine all three of them when we are teaching the girls.

  5. Terri,
    What a blessing to have a place for you to meet. The Lord does provide. I'm glad your boys are able to help take some of the work load off of you. I don't know what I would do without my men.:)
    Love Kerri

  6. That is terrific that your landlord is allowing you to use this building for free. It is so great that your boys are such hard and willing workers. I know the Lord will bless them for their willingness to work hard!

  7. What a blessing to have this place to use! A great project for your boys ~ I'm sure they are thrilled to be paid to do it!

    May the Lord bless all of your work in this place!



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