Weight Watchers

Well, it was to be expected sooner or later but I did not have the best week. I'm adjusting to eating less points so I dipped alot more into the extra weekly points. Then yesterday I went to my niece's graduation party and did not do so well there.

This week I gained 1 lb. so my total weight loss is back to.....................

19 lbs.

This week I'm hoping to get back refocused since we are settling into the new house and I can plan regular meals better.

I'm coming back to announce that even though I gained a lb., I lost another 1 1/4" for a total loss of 11 1/4" all over. So it isn't a total loss!

I'll keep you posted next week!


  1. You're still doing fantastic Terri. I think that inches are what matters anyway, not pounds! You're doing great!
    April :0)

  2. I agree with April Terri, sometimes the pounds are the same or higher for me and my clothes are fitting way looser. You are doing GREAT!

  3. Terri, you have had so much to do, to think about, to adjust to lately. Give your body a chance to get there slowly. It sounds to me as if you are doing really well!

  4. Keep up the good work! You have inspired me to dust off my points counter! Tomorrow I join you on the journey. Today... M&Ms galore, LOL!

  5. Don't get discouraged, Terri, everyone will have a week when nothing happens or maybe you would add back a pound. Also, somedays when I have eaten everything right, exercised and not gone over my points, my weight will still go up a pound. I attribute that to water retention (even though I have drank 9 or more glasses or water and ran to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

    Getting refocused is good. Besides it is hard to go to special functions without eating something that might not be the best. You are still doing terrifically and your right, to keep losing inches is still part of your goal so....Great job!!!


  6. You are slowly motivating me to get on the Weight Watchers Wagon. Keep up he great work. Its hard to watch what your eating with the craziness of moving I am sure.


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