
Despite my sometimes lack of patience, Emily is learning to do different handwork projects. She has learned to crochet, using both single crochet and double crochet. She is also in the process of working on a latchhook rug. She is so proud of her efforts and she has picked up these different techniques fairly easily.

Now she wants me to teach her how to sew on a sewing machine. Pray for me!!! LOL!


  1. Hi terri,
    A homemaker in training. This is wonderful I have a hook latch pillow I am working on.

  2. Lol Terri, I will pray for you...I remember well when Bethany wanted me to show her how to make things/cook things, etc...it was so hard not to take the thing out of her hands and do it myself...no patience! :)

  3. Ooohh painful - I remember sewing my finger because I was rushing to finish some curtains.
    good luck!
    Tell her she is very clever to learn these things - I still can't crochet!

  4. I can come and help you Terri! My sewing machine is always on the go!

  5. I think it is so neat that she wants to learn these things! Good job, Emily!! I think you will be a good sewing teacher, Terri!!

    Have a blessed day,


  6. It is so great that Emily is learning to do all these things at such a young age and that she enjoys them. I'm praying for you but I know you can handle this too!


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