
I have never liked change. Don't get me wrong. I like flexibility and doing new things. However, I don't like when things that are the core of my world change. It makes me unsettled and upset. I find it hard to concentrate and I'm usually on edge and out of sorts.

We've been in the midst of a season like this ever since the beginning of September. It was then that we found out that our church district office wanted our church plant to begin pursuing the possibility of a merge with another local church of the same denomination. While our church has been growing in numbers, they just have not been able to get off district support and pay for a full-time pastor. Add to that, our inability to find a permanent location to meet, it didn't bode well for our church.

The other church has been struggling in numbers and their pastor had just resigned. So from a district point of view it makes perfect sense to merge these two struggling congregations together.

Ever since this was mentioned, my world has been turned upside down. For one thing, we just moved to this house at the end of July. The thought of another move was overwhelming. The other issue was getting to know an entire new group of people all at once! Dan said it was like being happily married and then being told you have to remarry.

So, I've had 2 months of sleepless nights and prayer, worry and upset stomach (remember my trip to the e.r. for acid reflux)? There has been meeting upon meeting with the church leadership. There has been a constant stream of phone calls and anxious conversations with our church people who were afraid.

Well, finally on Sunday we had our first joint service. We had awaited this day with fear and trepidation - well at least on my part. :-) God answered my prayers in ways that went far beyond my expectations. It was such a wonderful, uplifting worship time with fellow believers. There was no us against them. There was no tension. There was just sweet fellowship.

God is so awesome! I'm amazed at how he has paved the way for this to happen. We are not merged yet as there are many things to be worked out. It may still involve us having to move as the church has a parsonage. They are considering using it for ministry and we may be able to stay here. I still love where we live and don't really relish the thought of moving. However, we are willing to go where God leads.

We will continue meeting together as the details are hashed out. Please keep us and our new congregation in your prayers.

I'm finding that change is not as bad as I thought.


  1. One is always fearful of change, I think, but we have the support of knowing that God comes with us in the change, that he knows the way ahead, and that He will guide us.
    I'll be praying for you Terri.

  2. I'm so happy that your joint church service was a positive and enjoyable one.

    I don't like to have my world disrupted either but God knows better what is good for us and we just have to allow Him to guide.

    We are still praying!


  3. Hi Terri,
    Prayers and hugs. It is human nature to always look for the bad in life. I posted a post today you will love.

  4. I'll be praying too Terri. I'm glad your joint service went so well. In a short time the 'new people' will all be familiar friends.

    If you do have to move house, perhaps it will be even nicer than the home you have now. I remember one time wanting a particular house and not getting it...then we got something much nicer.

    Love and hugs,
    Tina :)

  5. Goodness Terri - what a worry you have had yet you have always been so positive I will happily pray for you.

  6. Two and half years ago, our church merged with another church in the same community. We were not the same denomination, but had identical beliefs. Althouh not without a few glitches, it has been a tremendous experience, not only for us but our entire community. I was hesitant at first, but now I'm so thrilled to be a part of this vibrant part of the body of Christ!


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