Operation Christmas Child

The girls from 3D Girls Club packed 16 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child the other night. I love this program because it's such a tangible way for children to give to other children.

They brought in all their items to pack in the boxes and were so excited to do this. We had spent the month talking about missions and what missionaries do. Last week we had a missionary speak to the girls and then this week they were able to do something "hands-on" to reach out to those less fortunate.

Everyone in our church seems to get into the spirit. Today was the day we had to turn in our boxes and it's always nice to think about blessing a child in this way.

For more information on this program, check out Samaritan's Purse website.


  1. What is the 3D girls club? I've never heard of that.
    My kids and I, along with people in our church, have done the Operation Christmas Child box gifts for years. I love it! Like you said, what a wonderful way to help a child in need in a very real way!

  2. Lisa, 3D Girls is a program that I started in our church. I made up the name and the 3Ds that the girls learn are 1) Devotion to God through Bible study (short devotionals each week), 2) Creative Disciplines (cooking & sewing), and 3) Dramatic Arts (music & skits.

    By the way, I've tried to leave comments on your blog and I can't for some reason. I have been reading but just can't comment on anything.

  3. Terri, our church here in France supported this also, and sent 30 boxes!

  4. This is wonderful way of teaching kids about the joys of giving to others and such an exciting gift to receive for the recipient! :)

  5. On behalf of Franklin Graham, thank you for participating in Operation Christmas Child this year. Please continue to pray for the shoeboxes and for the children who will be receiving them that their hearts will be touched by the Gospel.

    Darren Mullenix
    Samaritan's Purse

  6. I've done the Operation Christmas Child box gifts a couple of times and it is a wonderful way to assure that some children have a terrific Christmas who wouldn't otherwise and then they know that there are people who care and are thinking of them. It is a wonderful program.


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