Sugar Cookies

This is probably one of the best sugar cookie recipes I have ever found. You don't have to chill the dough and they are very flavorful even without the sugar or frosting on top.

Cream together 1 cup softened butter and 1 cup sugar.

Add one egg and 1 tsp. vanilla. (Sorry for the blurry picture)

Sift together 3 cups, all-purpose flour and 2 tsp. baking powder.

Gradually add to the butter mixture.

Form the dough into a smooth ball.

Roll out on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Cut wtih cookie cutters.

Place on ungreased cookie sheet and sprinkle with sugar. (Skip the sugar and wait until cool to frost)

Bake at 400 degrees for 6 minutes. They shouldn't brown at all. Obviously, I didn't listen!



  1. Hmmm - I'm going to have to try that recipe. As far as the oven heating evenly, have you tried turning the cookie sheets?

  2. Just another homeschool mom - thank you for your suggestion. I actually should of said that we recently moved here and I'm getting used to the oven. It's not that it heats unevenly so much as this oven has top and bottom coils so I don't need to cook things as long. I'm still getting used to the time variation.

    I hope you'll visit again!


  3. MMMM! Another recipe to try when I finally get a kitchen! :)

  4. Thanks for the recipe! My daughter and I are going to be baking cookies to put in a little over 100 soldier boxes for Christmas and this is certainly going to be on the list!!

    Karen in TN

  5. Those look nice and easy! We always make sugar cookies in December. Lots of flour and sprinkles everywhere!

  6. Dear Terri,

    I don't usually make sugar cookies because I've never really had a good recipe! Maybe I can give these a try!

    Have a blessed Sunday!



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