Thanksgiving Dinner

My children have begun the countdown to Thanksgiving. Every day they tell me how many days are left before the big day arrives. You would think they would be talking about Christmas, but no, they are looking forward to their grandparents arrival and the big dinner.

I'm feeling the pressure to come up with something spectacular so I thought I would post my Thanksgiving menu so I can begin planning out the cooking schedule. We will have 13 all together for Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving Menu

Main Meal
Roast turkey with cornbread dressing
Mashed potatoes & gravy
Sweet potato casserole
Homemade dinner rolls
Butternut squash
Corn pudding
Tossed salad
Jello salad

Pies - pumpkin, apple, blueberry
Pumpkin cheesecake
Carmel apple crisp

Sparkling cider

I'll probably tweak this a bit but many of these are old favorites so I can't mess with the menu too much. :-) The leftovers are the best part of the whole meal!

For more Thanksgiving ideas, menus, poems, and inspiration, visit Kelli's blog.


  1. "Corn pudding
    Pies - pumpkin, apple, blueberry
    Pumpkin cheesecake
    Carmel apple crisp"

    May I go to your home and eat all that?


  2. We have nothing like this in either UK or France. I know my daughter in Canada has a Thanksgiving day, but it is on a different date.

  3. Wow Terri, that's quite a menu! I hope you'll have an easier time at Christmas! Mmm-mmm, sounds lovely too! :)

  4. Wow-what a menu! Smells good already! :o) I can't list a menu b/c I'm not planning it this year, but I'm sure it will be GREAT! Thanks for sharing. :o)

  5. Sounds delicious! I can imagine the great smells coming from the kitchen now:)
    Linda C

  6. I've only hosted Thanksgiving at my house once, and it was alot of work. But worth it! We had fun planning the menu and making table decorations.
    So take a deep breath and enjoy the things you are thankful for!!

  7. Hi Terri,
    Sounds so good. I haven't plan ours yet.

  8. Everything sounds so good...I love that your little ones are excited about family coming...Family is everything!


  9. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious. I know your family will enjoy it!


  10. Fabulous menu!
    A lovely Thanksgiving post...
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Terri,I love this time of the year!
    The food sounds delicious and I pray your family draws even closer to each other, but most of all closer to the Lord.

  12. I can only imagine the tummies growling and moments of anticipation as your family endures the meal prep and waiting! That looks fabulous and memorable!

    We're just doing the local cafeteria this year. I've already told my husband, and he's a little disappointed. I just can't manage all the food prep this year!

  13. Sounds like my kind of Thanksgiving! I've never had corn pudding before. But it sounds delicious.
    God bless,
    Brenda :)

  14. Terri,
    I can understand why your children are looking forward to the big dinner - that sounds delicious! :-)

  15. Ladies, thank you for all your nice comments. Welcome to all of you who are visiting here for the first time!

  16. Mmmmmmm.....sounds like the place to be on Thanksgiving. I hope you don't wear yourself out before the big day arrives.

    Your menu is similar to mine but not quite. I'm having Turkey with sausage stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Butternut Squash, Sweet Corn, Pickles, Olives and Chow Chow. For dessert just Pumpkin and Apple Pies.

    We're have friends over and Curt's son and his new wife (old girlfriend) and possibly his younger brother and his wife.

    Where do you get the energy for three different types of deserts? The pumpkin cheesecake sounds real appealing to me.


    Mom :)

  17. Your menu looks great. And you have such beautiful pictures on your blog. Have a blessed day!

  18. Corn pudding sounds wonderful. Are you willing to share that recipe?? Isn't it funny that we have to plan for two weeks for a meal that takes an hour to eat? It is worth all the effort though, and I agree that the leftovers are golden! Sounds like you will have a lovely spread! :)

  19. Yummy sounds wonderful.
    Happy Thanks giving to you and your family.

  20. Yum, yum! Can I come over,too?
    Snile ~ Elizabeth

  21. Wow, that sounds like an ambitious meal. I hope your guests are bringing some dishes :)

  22. Sounds delicious! I've never had corn pudding. Sounds yummy:)
    Linda C


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